Online Teaching Program

We designed a curriculum for online teaching that would do justice to the requirements of our team members and engage, empower and invigorate them.


Drawing/Art Prog

Paper craft and others

Games videos

Guidelines for Online Teaching Program
These are the mandates that we follow:
- Programmes are of 45 minutes each with a 15 minutes break to allow for a respite. The programmes are a mix of learning, entertainment and fun.
- Detailed programme invites with pictures/videos are shared with parents in advance, to help follow the activity in case of poor network.
- The programmes are also designed to lend themselves to people of different abilities. Every online session is taken by a single co-worker with two more co-workers functioning as a support system. Between them, they ensure that all the students in the session are engaged, understanding instructions and most importantly that every student is appreciated for his or her effort.
- Speaking slowly, clearly and with enough pauses is a must during online teaching. Having fixed time breaks between every step of the activity, makes teaching efficient rather than asking repeatedly “Has this person finished, has that person finished?”
- Games are played everyday, birthdays and festivals are celebrated and special events are organized to keep the collective morale up.
- One of the most important areas of online teaching for people with intellectual disabilities is the role played by the parent. Co-workers make it a point to engage with parents and support them to do our combined best for our young adults.
Level 1
Simple pictures based presentations on topics of functional use, art- cutting and simple sticking activities.
Level 2
Talktime – language and communication/greeting cards, finger painting.
Level 3
Celebration of Independence Day online for which guests were invited and practice went on for an entire month. Making things out of paper – bags, envelopes, collages.
Level 4
Drawing classes with a specially designed curriculum followed by creative skill classes with the material used during drawing classes.
Level 5
Fabric painting, making simple sweets for festivals, games being hosted by our adults. Festive decorations – Flower garlands, paper flowers, lanterns.
Level 6
Introduction of job work – delivered and picked up from the homes of our team members. Computers – Typing practice for data entry. Paint and leisure.
Level 7
Introduction of Macrame, Stitching.

Drawing/Art Program
The drawing programme has been designed to meet the requirements of our young adults to the extent possible. We encourage using slate and chalk in order to save paper. Alternatively, the drawing class is followed by craft to ensure that the drawing sheets are used meaningfully and not wasted. The pictures of craft have been shared.

Paper craft videos
Paper Rakhi Together – Playlist
- Rakhi design 1
- Rakhi design 2
- Rakhi design 3
- Rakhi design 4
- Rakhi design 5
- Rakhi design 6
- Rakhi design 7
Calendar Collage Together – Playlist
- Calendar Collage Part 1
- Calendar Collage Part 2
- Calendar Collage Part 3
- Calendar Collage Part 4
Paper Craft Together – Playlist
- Envelope Making Part 1
- Envelope Making Part 2
- Paper Bag Part 1
- Paper Bag Part 2
- Paper Bag Part 3
- Paper Bag Part 4
- Paper Bag Part 5
- Paper bags for Medical shop
- Paper Boat
- Fabric Painting on T shirt
Festive Decorations Together – Playlist
- Paper toran
- Wall hanging With Paper Flowers
- Wall hanging Part 1 & Part 2
- Paper lantern
- Diya wall hanging
- Diwali wall hanging
- Christmas stocking & Christmas star hanging
- Ganesha Toran
- Dangler
- Diwali Toran & Diwali Lantern
Festive Gifts Together – Playlist
- Gift envelope
- Paper flower
- Photo frame
- Tissue paper flower
- Greeting card Level 1
- Greeting card Level 2
- Greeting card Level 3
- Rose paper Flower
Flag for Independence Day Together – Playlist
- Drawing Flag for Independence Day
- Colouring and Cutting Flag Independence Day
- Mounting Flag for Independence Day

Game videos
Games Together – Playlist
- Remove coins from the bucket, Paper & cup tower, Balancing ball on plate
- Blind fold and pick up the correct objects
- Ring the glasses
- Pick up pulses with tweezer
- Lemon and Spoon, Bouncing ball and Book balancing
- Book Balancing